Mihai Barabancea: Cyborg Dolphine Tears – photo exhibition, book launch
Boldizsár Hordós: Naked Logic - exhibition, workshop
Take a deep breath!
The Grey Machine 01/10-18/10/2024Cinema Teleport – debut exhibition of the ISBN+ video gallery 27/08-27/09/2024
ISBN+ Christmas PRINT SHOW 03/12-23/12/2024
Markó Luca: But I'm Allergic to Flowers 19/11-29/11/2024FULL / Dia Zékány 08/10-12/10/2024
ARCHIVE – ISBN books+gallery, Víg utca 2.
Krés – On The Past and Present of Nursery Care 28/05-20/06/2024Cucumbers, Fishes, Worms and Pine Buds 04/05-24/05/2024 X=? The Unpredictability of the Unpredictable 09/04-25/04/2024 MINDENT / ALL 12/03-28/03/2024 Kristóf Szabó - KristofLab The Loudest Rustle 06/02-01/03/2024 Asztrid Csatlós I shall now count from one to ten. I say one… 09/01-02/02/2024 2023 ISBN Christmas PRINT SHOW 28/11-23/12 Zita Borbély - Patterns of a Compost 31/10-23/11 Gábor Palotai - COSMOS 03/10-27/10 Judit Lilla Molnár: Outside-the-box 12/09-29/09 Antal Plank - Free Geometry 08/08-01/09/2023 BYTE ME 06/06-07/07/2023 Anitta Gleb - Looking for my Pál 02/05-26/05/2023 Sky Replacement Tool Bendek Bognár - Máté Lukács - Julianna Nyíri 04/04-28/04/2023 Szabó Ottó Robotto Replanning 28/02-31/03/2023 Anna SZIGETHY Random Coincidences – Heightened uncertainty 31/01-24/02/2023 Gergő FÜLÖP & Marina SZTEFANU Whisper Us a Jolly Tune 10/01-27/01/2023 2022 "Born of slime and decay" Exhibition of Stella KOLESZÁR and Eszter METZING 29/11-23/12/2022 Alice Guéricolas-Gagné Paper Rafts - A Quest on Samizdat Literature 08/11-25/11/2022 Magyari Zsuzsa - I'd for sure quote this to describe you 26/10-05/11/2022 Róbert Lak | FOUND NATURE 27/09-22/10/2022 Kinga Enzsöly - Éva Farkas Pap LOOK VERY CLOSE 06/09-23/09/2022 Anna Koźbiel: Animaton biological form of the soul 09/08-26/08/2022 Catalogue Catalogue From register to design object 05/07-22/07/2022 EILEEN F. ALMARALES NOY Reaching the Skyline 21/06-30/06/2022 IGEN – NEM – MÉGSEM exhibition. EKKE x ISBN 07/06-17/06/2022 DIVING FLIGHT terraforming sponge concept 10/05-03/06/2022 Collective Exercise in Making the World a Better Place by Design 12/04-06/05/2022 Rock and Dust | Roccia e Polvere Tracy Mackenna & Edwin Janssen 08/03-08/04/2022 Zsuzsi Simon - Alexandru 15/02-04/03/2022 I just write a poem then everything will be fine 07/01-10/02/2022 2021 Emese Dóra - INNER GARDEN 30/11-23/12/2021 Markéta Kinterová: Somewhere between Consumer and Pedestrian 03/11-26/11/2021 Anna Ádám: „School of Disobedience” Community art, Talk, Lecture, Education, Performance, Activism 01/10-30/10/2021 Mark Fridvalszki: Ad Futura, Ad Inexplorata 31/08-29/09/2021 Ferenc Gróf - Concrete Time 03/08-27/08/2021 The secret life of objects Neongrey x Balázs Csizik 13/07-30/07/2021 Norbert Oláh - Eight Quarters 01/06-02/07/2021 IGOR AND IVAN BUHAROV Revolutionparabotany OFF Biennale Budapest 2021 23/04-28/05/2021 «ZRH» - Mikhail Bushkov & Olga Bushkova 09/02-12/03/2021 Faun Realness - Gideon Horváth 07/01-05/02/2021 2020 Baroque Femina 09/12-23/12/2020 Endre Tót: Printed Matter 1971-1981 03/11-04/12/2020 Tünde Mézes - 'On the first page' 29/09-30/10/2020 A Whale of a Bad Time 01/09-25/09/2020 Olga Kocsi - Rákóczi Legendarium 23/07-19/08/2020 RESURRECTION – The second coming of U&K Hetek 25/06-17/07/2020 Krystyna Bilak: Complement 02/03-27/03/2020 Supergravity - Ádám Katyi 08/02-28/02/2020 Pretty and incapable creatures? Mary Wollstonecraft HOM AGE 17/01 - 31/01 2019 György Szimán: Kesselschlacht 09/12 - 15/01/2020 BE YOURSELF! An Exhibition by Dávid Icko 04/11-05/12/2019 BRUT. Dialogues from an empty space. 1/10-31/10/2019 90° - REBU Ceramics 09/20-10/19/2019 Continuing Hiatus An Exhibition of Gábor Erlich and David Karas 27/08-27/09/2019 Pólya Zsombor Még meg sem száradt. Kimért képek 16/07-18/07/2019 Diversity Annual Exhibition of the Art and Theory College for Advanced Studies 27/06 - 11/07/2019 "If theory wouldn't be enough" Selection from the fanzine collection of Labor Gallery 20/05 - 25/06/2019 Symposion - Deep Time 16/04-17/05/2019 Zsolt Asztalos: Unknown Artists 13/03-13/04/2019 Nemmivoltunk: Recess 05/02-08/03/2019 Mátyás Boros: Stray Pages 07/01-01/02/2019
2018 OFF THE HOOK, Crude: body, colour and realism 08/12-22/12/2018FISZ20 – books, pictures, years Exhibition about the Association of Young Writers 08/11-05/12/2018 It's Worth It! 05/10-30/10/2018 Ágnes Eperjesi: Leafing 08/09-28/09/2018 András Beck: Stockpile 21/08-07/09/2018 János Iván Kárpáti: INTRO 11/06-05/07/2018 Viktória Balogh: GARDEN 08/05-08/06/2018 Paranormal archaeology 04/06-05/04/2018 #trashbook - we reserve the right to change the title (exhibition of Dávid BIRÓ and Máté DOBOKAY) 29/02-26/03/2018 Book-object 22/01-22/02/2018 2017 Attila Menesi: Basement check-in from the Víg street 30/12/2017-12/01/2018 ISBN feat PATRON Books 12/12-21/12/2017