Collective Exercise in Making the World a Better Place by Design
12nd April–6th May 2022
Opening: 6–9pm, 12nd April in the presence of the organizers
12nd April–6th May 2022
Opening: 6–9pm, 12nd April in the presence of the organizers

Graphic design is not just about nice shapes, polished surfaces and raising the profit of your clients. It’s a tool you could use for reaching further goals and spreading values. Students and teachers from Graphic design 2 studio at Faculty of Art and Design in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic, bring their work and thoughts on how design and illustration could be used for what really feels to be important – whether it is bringing tourists to unknown places in remote post industrial region, spreading knowledge about endangered animals and their protection or pointing out cool role models for Roma children who lost connection to their cultural heritage. It’s young, fresh and heartwarming – and it matters!
Artist: GD2 Studio, CZ
Graphic design: Barbora Tomová
Motion design: Zdeněk Bachura
Motion design: Zdeněk Bachura
Photo: Julianna Nyíri