Ágnes Eperjesi: Leafing

9-28. September 2018.

Opening: 6pm, 8th of September 2018.

Opening event: Kriszta Németh

The central piece of the exhibition is the artists’ book of Ágnes Eperjesi made in 2007 during her stay in Buenos Aires. The old booklet found on an abandoned, flippant shelf of a suburban stationer’s and bookstore could be a collection of printed matter samples. Each page of the booklet titled Timbre Azul contains official templates. 39 different types altogether. Eperjesi purchased the booklet and she made a drawing each day in it, using the the templates’ sections as pixels. The 39 drawings completed, have never been publicly visible before, since the leafing would not be good for the old booklet. The booklet is placed into a show-case that only lets to see the current page. During the 13 days of the exhibition, a scrolling will happen three times a day, so gradually all 39 drawings of the booklet will be displayed.

In addition to presenting a one-copy art book, the ritual act of leafing what gives the basis of the concept. The daily scrollings happens at predefined times, when the documentation of the previous page is also exhibited on the walls. Due to the regular leafing events, the installation changes from day to day.

Photo: Ágnes Eperjesi