Catalogue catalogue
From register to design object
From register to design object

It is a natural phenomenon, that after an interesting exhibition we take the exhibition catalogue in hand at the museum shop and admire the printed version processing what we have just seen. However, the exhibition catalogue is more than a colorful guide or an enormous book with the reproductions of art exhibited. It is much more: a consciously created design object, that includes academic quality essays summarizing the research preceding the exhibition, rounding up the results and the curatorial concept.
There was a long way leading to the formation of the catalogue of today fulfilling both aesthetical and professional demands. A catalogue from the turn of the century shows a drastically different image, as does one from the sixties or eighties. This difference is caused not only by the change of visual trends, it also reflects the shifting demands of the museological precedents and the expectations towards exhibitions.
The Catalogue catalogue exhibition analyzes this progress and shows a short summary of the catalogues of Budapest art institutions, focusing on the period after 1989. The selection is subjective, focusing mainly on the institutions which influenced the trends, the curators and graphic designers working and collaborating in close proximity to make the exhibition catalogues.
This exhibition is part of the Design Curator specialization of the Design Theory MA program at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. It has been created within the framework of the Theory and practice of exhibition organization course led by Eszter Földi.
Exhibition opening: 6 pm, 05. 07. 2022
Visitors are welcomed by Eszter Földi art historian, lecturer at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. The exhibition is opened by Anikó Katona art historian, chief museologist of the Graphics Collection at the Hungarian National Gallery in Budapest.
The exhibition is on view: 05. 07. – 22. 07. 2022
Open to visitors between 12-6 pm from Tuesday to Friday.