Recuperating the Invisible Past / Atsedzot Neredzamo Pagatni

Title: Recuperating the Invisible Past / Atsedzot Neredzamo Pagatni
Published by: The Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art
Release Date: 2012
Contributors: Ieva ASTAHOVSKA
Pages: 282
ISBN13: 978-9934-8078-6-2

3500 HUF - temporarily unavailable

This collection of articles is the concluding part of the project Unveiling the Invisible Past, which focuses on the contemporary review of the recent art of Latvia and other former Eastern European countries. The collection of articles includes a part of the conference Revealing the Invisible Past lectures, as well as specially written essays on topics and issues related to the modernizing art of the socialist period. The collection also includes research materials on the avant-garde art of the Baltic States and Hungary in the 1960s and 1970s, which were created for the exhibition Parallel Chronologies.