Published by: ngbk, Berlin
Release Date: 2017
Contributors: Christin LAHR, Isabelle MEIFFERT
Genre: theory / elmélet
Pages: 221
ISBN13: 978-3-938515-62-4
5700 HUF
The history of the RealismusStudio founded in 1973 is characterised by continuity and experiments and inextricably linked to the “realism debate”. With more than 300 exhibitions and events that focused on contemporary socio-critical art and the discursive and mediating process, the group has lastingly shaped the profile of the nGbK. Central themes and curatorial practices of the RealismusStudio are presented and offers the opportunity for new interpretations from today’s perspective.
With contributions by Leonie Baumann, Hildtrud Ebert, Christin Lahr, Barbara Straka, Frank Wagner