Published by: PUNCH, Bukarest
Release Date: 2018
Contributors: Anca BENERA, Arnold ESTEFÁN
Genre: theory / elmélet
Pages: 144
ISBN13: 978-606-94300-3-3
6900 HUF - temporarily unavailable
Debrisphere is a yet-unnamed stratum of the Earth crust, a supra-stratum of the Lithosphere – rubble mountains, "blooming deserts", military coral reefs, and other similar constructions – resulting from or still serving conflict and war around the world. The artist book by Anca Benera and Arnold Estefan is published as an accompaniment to their eponymous installation, presented for the first time in the frame of "Natural Histories. Traces of the Political" exhibition at MUMOK Vienna in 2017. Alongside the artists' case studies, which include Ariel Sharon Park, Teuflesberg, Diego Garcia, Johnston Atoll and the Spartly Islands, the publication includes four republished texts by Andrew Chubb, Hito Steyerl and Eyal Weizman, which informed the artists' research process, and also newly commissioned essays by Noit Banai, Maja & Reuben Fowkes and Raluca Voinea.